Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Dark & Light

First off, let's go Astros!!! (And while I'm at, go Sox!)

On Monday night, I was looking forward to watching baseball and football, just constant channel flipping, but at about 7 all the power went out. Not just our house but the whole neighborhood. Complete darkness! No stormy weather, it just went out. The kids all panicked a bit, claiming that they would all have to sleep in our bedroom. I got a flashlight that I keep next to my bed and we went about lighting candles throughout the house just to offer a bit of light. Each child wanted to hold "my flashlight" so while they were taking turns, I fumbled around the garage for the area where we keep other flashlights. I think we must have 11 and 2 of those worked. So I'm searching for batteries for the lights so that each kid can have there own. (I'm secretly looking for batteries to put into one of the kids jam box so that I could get the game on.)

Why the detail? Well, complete darkness is a freaky thing. The very rooms that our kids so easily walk in and out of throughout the day and night, all of a sudden are out of the question because there is no light. There rooms, which they have memorized where everything is, no longer are safe because of the complete darkness. Even our dog in the backyard new something wasn't right. But, when we cast light anywhere, the darkness fled and with it, the fear.

That's what God's Light is all about, and we need to constantly cast it in the areas of our life that remain in darkness. To stay in the darkness, ultimately is a very frightful and lonely place.

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