Monday, October 18, 2004

Monday Afternoon

I've answered all the emails, made phone calls, gone to meetings read other various things and now I'm ready to head home. Want to "root, root, root for the Astros!" and read the last part of Harry Potter to my oldest!

Life really is good! We had the best time last night at our church building. We had Kidzblitz ( come and what an amazing night. I got to participate as the team captain for the blue team. My voice is still hurting as is the rest of my body from the funky girations to the music. I poofed in the face with flour and I swallowed a worm (no, it doesn't taste like chicken!). Our children's minister promised that if the kids, 5th grade and down, numbered 200 that we could dump worms all over her. They did it with 279 (plus another 120 parents). Amazing stuff.

But still better! We introduced a new member yesterday morning who's story is all God. He is driving by on a Wednesday night and the radio program says that "you need to be at a church right now, get involved, find a place." So he pulled into our parking lot and was greeted and fell in love with the body of Christ here at Southlake. Neat right, well (keeping in mind that he was introduced as a new member yesterday), he came to kidzblitz even though he had no kids and enjoyed it and then stuck around and asked for vaccuum to clean off the stage (somewhat of a big mess when the big hammer came out and squashed the dried oatmeal box!). I thanked him several times and spied on one occasion that as he was vaccuuming on our stage, at one point he looked up a the cross and smiled a very humble smiled and went on with the task. His only need of recognition was from His heavenly Father, my praises to him, while nice, meant nothing compared to this. What are you doing to serve: at church, at home, at work, in public?

I think I'm going to enjoy this blogging stuff.

One final comment, I'm a worship leader and not only love what I get to do, I'm very thankful for it. But I found that at a recent conference where I got to lead worship with a lot of other worship leaders in the audience, I'm very arrogant and love the lime light...there's this hunger for acknowledgement. So I found myself wanting the speakers that followed to say something about how amazing my leading was or how great that song was. I share this now because my whole desire is to bring the evils of my life into the Light. By doing this I feel that I have that much more ammunition against Satan. I used (use) this need for acknowledgement as a food to feed my pride-filled soul. An amazing and aweful addiction. And so I begin by treating it as such, one day at a time I deal with the joy and satisfaction that I can be confident in Jesus Christ and what God has made me to be. He validates me and really, I hold a power to validate myself. So that's a little bit of my journey.

Grace, mercy & peace,

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