Saturday, January 01, 2005

35 Years of Existence

Happy New Year to the Blog world! Wow, 2005 and today I celebrate my 35th year of existence! So not only do I feel the need to reflect on 2004 but also the past 35 years. (I'm actually in my mid-30's now and on the closer side to 40...bizarre!)

There is a feature I enjoy reading in our local paper about what was going on 10 and 20 years ago. I noticed the same feature in my parents paper except that it also shows 30 years ago. So I want to attempt that although I would need the help of my family to get through some it.

30 years ago...January 1, 1975
After being born in Verona, Italy, by now we are living in Pordenone (could be misspelled) and I'm 5. I have a friend by the name of Valentina who lives in our same apartment complex. I go to a Catholic preschool (that actually may be the next year). I live through an earthquake. My favorite show and character is Zorro!

20 years ago...January 1, 1985
I'm fifteen and a freshman at Temple High School. I'm playing on our Freshman soccer team, the Wildcats. We have an amazing season where we go 15-0 and have 14 shutouts. For non-sports enthusiasts, a shutout is when the opposing team has no score a the end of the game...a goose egg. This is a bigger deal for me because I am playing defense and helping to keep the ball away from our goal. The one game where someone scored was obviously a fluke since we won 10-1.

The dating scene has continued but most likely I'm not "going with" anyone at this time...this gets me out of the gift giving need! It seems like I "went with" Holly W. in the first semester and I can't recall who it would have been following this birthday. I'm also in choir and very arrogant about my voice. I am probably thinking that I am God's gift to this Choir program. (Boy, has God done a work in me!)

At this point I'm leading singing at our church on some Sunday mornings, nights and Wednesday nights. My buddy, Robert B. and I along with Todd C., are becoming the "youth ministers" of our little youth group. We don't have a youth minister, but instead have a youth deacon. So we take over.

10 years ago...January 1, 1995
I'm married now to an amazing woman and we are now about to begin our second semester of graduate school. I was in youth ministry in San Antonio before coming back to school. I'm getting my degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. (I will discover a lot about myself as I go through this program). We live in a little 3 bedroom one bath just down from Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas. We don't totally realize it yet, but our debt is about to go out of control! I'm making some amazing friends through this program and through church.

I'm also working as an interim worship minister at the Highland Church of Christ with Mike Cope. I plan and lead the Wednesday nights and I help to plan Sunday mornings. (By this time next year, I will be leading on Sunday mornings as well ). This is where I believe God changed my life in a huge way and taught me the difference between being a song leader and a lead worshiper.

Well, that's it for now...I'll reflect on 2004 in the next blog? What was going on in your life 10, 20, 30 years ago?

Happy Birthday, Nino! Hope it was a great day....
30 years ago - I was 15 months old. I think we lived in Missouri at that point, but in the next few years we would move to Claremore, Oklahoma.

20 years ago - I was 11 and in 5th grade. We lived in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Around that time I met Russ L, who was my closest friend through high school graduation, and we still keep in touch today. Sometime in this year or so I was baptized at the Tulsa International Soul Winning workshop. (By the way, here's a tip: when being baptized, take off your underwear, or at least bring a change of underwear. 'Nuff said.)

10 years ago - I'm 21, and after 4 semesters in junior college, I'm in the middle of my first year at UNT. (I was on the 6 year graduation program.)I'm in a dorm room with an art major, and we share a bathroom with a guy who is a professional club dancer and his roommate, who was from Taiwan I think (no habla engles). Those were strange days.

Thanks for the blast to the past, Nino. :-)
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