Sunday, January 16, 2005

Games, New Life, Holiness, &

The game continues (b/w quotations)...but instead of that name, we'll just call it BONUS TIME. Jenni is winning with 2 points (see side bar for stats so far). She did confess to googling for the answer, but at the time that wasn't against the rules. However, we will now make it one. No googling for answers! Guess the quote and earn a point each for the movie and the name of the movie character who said it. Your name could be immortalized on Nino's Blog!!! (Like that's worth something). Another easy one:

"True love is the greatest thing in the world. Except for a nice MLT... mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich where the mutton is nice and lean, and the tomato is ripe....they're so perky. I love that. "

BTW, nobody guessed the last quote from Fiddler on the Roof, spoken by Tevye!

Today was a great day gathered with the body. I had the honor of baptizing Lindsey Meyer this morning. What a sweet little sister in Christ I have. My prayer for her is that she will continue to grow in the ways of God and that the Holy Spirit will continue to be her guide in all she does. Speaking of Sunday AM, we are in I Peter and today was "Be holy as I am holy" so the message revolved around understanding the holiness of God. Next week we will look at our part in that.

On another note, this last week a family called me who had visited Southlake maybe 6-8 times or so. I had never met them but when I went to their I house I recognized the dad. They hadn't been at church in awhile. This family of 5 (Dad, Mom, Son-24, daugher-13, daughter-8) called and asked if I would help plan and speak at their Dad's funeral. David has cancer and is currently in Hospice care, bed-ridden in his home. So I went over last Thursday and met with he and his wife, Sherry, for over an hour. It was odd to plan a funeral for someone who is still living and yet the peace in this house was truly unexplainable. We joked and laughed (he is going to be cremated and being the big Beatles fan that he is, wants a Yellow Submerine Urn) and we prayed and talked frankly about . Nobody wants him to die, but they are OK with him dying.

I met with the kids on Saturday. What a family! the 8 year old is working on a poem and the 13 year old is jotting down some thoughts in her journal. The scripture I turn to in these times is Isaiah sure is easier to read it than to grasp to it and cling to it. But His ways are not my ways! And honostly, that's a good thing. (Like Jim Carry in Bruce Almighty just saying "yes" to everyone's prayers and all "chaos" breaking loose).

Anyway, don't know how long he will live, but as you read this, pray for the Johnson family. And pray for me, too, as I help in planning his funeral.

No Google necessary. That quote is from "The Princess Bride" and was said by Miracle Max played by Billy Crystal. Prayers for that family, by the way.
Even I didn't need the google this time....but Val beat me to it! Way to go! Prayer for that family - and for the Copes and other Highland families affected by the wreck Sunday afternoon.
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