Sunday, February 13, 2005
Renovating Our Character
"I'd better not. I have what doctors call a little bit of a weight problem. I used to grab bear claws as a kid, two at a time, and I'd get them lodged right in this region here."
I "preached" this at church this morning.
Renovating Our Character
First, this letter (2 Peter) is special, because Peter writes it in full awareness of his imminent (read 1:14). Keep this in mind as you read on!
2 Peter 1:3-8 NIV
3His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.
I want you to see 2 pictures of Jesus (there are more)
A. He is the Christ of very great and precious promises: In Him, promises come true. In 2 Corinthians 1:20 Paul puts it another way when he says all the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ. Christ confirms and guarantees these promises saying “Yes! So let it be.” (From a devo guide on the net) He promises to:
1. …personally motivate and empower this renovation process through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Phil. 2:13).
2. …sovereignly oversee this renovation process, working through everything that happens to us (good and bad) to accomplish it (Rom. 8:28).
3. …never give up on us, but to constantly initiate character renovation until it is completed when Christ returns (Phil. 1:6).
B. He is the Christ who makes us sharers in the divine nature: Our humanness alone cannot make us divine...think about bitterness, hatred, , etc.; moral failure and frustration is rampant. Then here comes Jesus declaring that we humans are capable of becoming sharers in the divine nature. John 10:10, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” William Barclay says “He became what we are to make us what he is.”
So let’s begin the renovating process. For this very reason, make every effort to add…
"Diligence" (spoude--these words in parenthesis are the greek): used to describe the way that Olympic athletes "give it all they have" as they approach the tape. Paul uses this image in Col. 1:28-29 (read). It is to "put your whole heart into your work."
"Add” or “Supply" (epichorego): means "to equip" a word used to describe how wealthy art patrons tried to outdo each other in providing materials, personnel and equipment for theater productions. It is to "spare no expense."
So a better reading...for this reason, give it all you have to equip yourself sparing no expense on...
First, it all starts with Faith, which is the conviction of what Jesus Christ says is true. It is the unquestioning certainty that the way to happiness and peace and strength on earth and in heaven is to accept Him at His word.
To faith we must stack "Moral excellence" (arete): A rare term in the NT ("virtue") or more like Courage to show who you are and who you serve.
"Knowledge" (gnosis): Not academic or natural knowledge (which is the Greek word sophia and is a good thing), but thinking and discernment…a practical knowledge. Taking sophia and using it in certain situations is gnosis. (I then offered an example between knowing Music theory and being able to play the guitar/piano.) This is what Paul calls "the mind of Christ"—the ability to view every major area of life in light of God's revealed truth.
"Self-control" (egkrateia): Literally, the ability to take a grip of oneself. A will that is trained and strengthened to say "no" to inappropriate and unprofitable desires (Sensual desires; Laziness; materialism; Pride; Vengeance). This is so different from the freedom urged by our culture, which is actually not freedom at all, but enslavement to & passions. Self-control is reason fighting with passion and reason winning. Yea, but passion is what God has given me? Barclay says, “Imagine a situation in which your passions remain but are under perfect control and so become your servants…not your tyrants."
"Patient Endurance" (hupomone): Steadfastness, Perseverance or just patience. The proven ability to pursue God's will in spite of adversity. Instead of being so afraid of pain that we cave in and quit as soon as it gets rough, we "hang in there" by drawing encouragement and strength from God to fulfill his mission. We don’t simply accept and endure; we always have a forward look. Hebrews 12:2. “who for the joy set before him endured the cross.” Jesus hupomone'd!!!
"Godliness" (eusebia): An untranslatable word. Barclay uses Piety but says that’s not adequate due to the fact that it carry’s negative connotations. The great characteristic of Eusebia is that it looks in two directions. One who always worships God and gives him his due; but he always serves his fellow men and gives them their due. Jesus said the greatest command is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And the second is like it…love your neighbor as yourself.
"Brotherly affection" (philadelphia): Christian relationships that are characterized by affection, affirmation and encouragement; rather than uninvolved, uncaring, and negatively critical. What Peter is basically saying is that there is something wrong with the religion that claims relationships to be a nuisance. And even this is not enough, it must all be wrapped up in...
"Love" (agape): This is the way God loves us—not just those who love him, but also those who him. God’s love causes the sun to rise on the just and unjust. He sends his rain on the evil and the good. Not for what he can get back from us, but it’s given freely and without expectation of return. It’s this kind of love that needs to renovate. It shows us to have a lifestyle characterized by sacrificial service to others, and it shows us satisfaction in the act of giving.
So here is the promise: (NLT) 8The more you grow like this, the more you will become productive and useful in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For some of us, we are seeing no progress simply because our attitudes are passive about the whole renovation! We say, "If God wants to change me, I'm sure he'll do it whether I cooperate or not." Instead, we should say to God, "I want you to change me more than anything else, and I am willing to cooperate with you in whatever ways you show me."
A great morning with amazing communion time!
"I'd better not. I have what doctors call a little bit of a weight problem. I used to grab bear claws as a kid, two at a time, and I'd get them lodged right in this region here."
I "preached" this at church this morning.
Renovating Our Character
First, this letter (2 Peter) is special, because Peter writes it in full awareness of his imminent (read 1:14). Keep this in mind as you read on!
2 Peter 1:3-8 NIV
3His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.
I want you to see 2 pictures of Jesus (there are more)
A. He is the Christ of very great and precious promises: In Him, promises come true. In 2 Corinthians 1:20 Paul puts it another way when he says all the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ. Christ confirms and guarantees these promises saying “Yes! So let it be.” (From a devo guide on the net) He promises to:
1. …personally motivate and empower this renovation process through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Phil. 2:13).
2. …sovereignly oversee this renovation process, working through everything that happens to us (good and bad) to accomplish it (Rom. 8:28).
3. …never give up on us, but to constantly initiate character renovation until it is completed when Christ returns (Phil. 1:6).
B. He is the Christ who makes us sharers in the divine nature: Our humanness alone cannot make us divine...think about bitterness, hatred, , etc.; moral failure and frustration is rampant. Then here comes Jesus declaring that we humans are capable of becoming sharers in the divine nature. John 10:10, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” William Barclay says “He became what we are to make us what he is.”
So let’s begin the renovating process. For this very reason, make every effort to add…
"Diligence" (spoude--these words in parenthesis are the greek): used to describe the way that Olympic athletes "give it all they have" as they approach the tape. Paul uses this image in Col. 1:28-29 (read). It is to "put your whole heart into your work."
"Add” or “Supply" (epichorego): means "to equip" a word used to describe how wealthy art patrons tried to outdo each other in providing materials, personnel and equipment for theater productions. It is to "spare no expense."
So a better reading...for this reason, give it all you have to equip yourself sparing no expense on...
First, it all starts with Faith, which is the conviction of what Jesus Christ says is true. It is the unquestioning certainty that the way to happiness and peace and strength on earth and in heaven is to accept Him at His word.
To faith we must stack "Moral excellence" (arete): A rare term in the NT ("virtue") or more like Courage to show who you are and who you serve.
"Knowledge" (gnosis): Not academic or natural knowledge (which is the Greek word sophia and is a good thing), but thinking and discernment…a practical knowledge. Taking sophia and using it in certain situations is gnosis. (I then offered an example between knowing Music theory and being able to play the guitar/piano.) This is what Paul calls "the mind of Christ"—the ability to view every major area of life in light of God's revealed truth.
"Self-control" (egkrateia): Literally, the ability to take a grip of oneself. A will that is trained and strengthened to say "no" to inappropriate and unprofitable desires (Sensual desires; Laziness; materialism; Pride; Vengeance). This is so different from the freedom urged by our culture, which is actually not freedom at all, but enslavement to & passions. Self-control is reason fighting with passion and reason winning. Yea, but passion is what God has given me? Barclay says, “Imagine a situation in which your passions remain but are under perfect control and so become your servants…not your tyrants."
"Patient Endurance" (hupomone): Steadfastness, Perseverance or just patience. The proven ability to pursue God's will in spite of adversity. Instead of being so afraid of pain that we cave in and quit as soon as it gets rough, we "hang in there" by drawing encouragement and strength from God to fulfill his mission. We don’t simply accept and endure; we always have a forward look. Hebrews 12:2. “who for the joy set before him endured the cross.” Jesus hupomone'd!!!
"Godliness" (eusebia): An untranslatable word. Barclay uses Piety but says that’s not adequate due to the fact that it carry’s negative connotations. The great characteristic of Eusebia is that it looks in two directions. One who always worships God and gives him his due; but he always serves his fellow men and gives them their due. Jesus said the greatest command is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And the second is like it…love your neighbor as yourself.
"Brotherly affection" (philadelphia): Christian relationships that are characterized by affection, affirmation and encouragement; rather than uninvolved, uncaring, and negatively critical. What Peter is basically saying is that there is something wrong with the religion that claims relationships to be a nuisance. And even this is not enough, it must all be wrapped up in...
"Love" (agape): This is the way God loves us—not just those who love him, but also those who him. God’s love causes the sun to rise on the just and unjust. He sends his rain on the evil and the good. Not for what he can get back from us, but it’s given freely and without expectation of return. It’s this kind of love that needs to renovate. It shows us to have a lifestyle characterized by sacrificial service to others, and it shows us satisfaction in the act of giving.
So here is the promise: (NLT) 8The more you grow like this, the more you will become productive and useful in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For some of us, we are seeing no progress simply because our attitudes are passive about the whole renovation! We say, "If God wants to change me, I'm sure he'll do it whether I cooperate or not." Instead, we should say to God, "I want you to change me more than anything else, and I am willing to cooperate with you in whatever ways you show me."
A great morning with amazing communion time!
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It's John Candy or maybe Chris Farley, but I don't remember the movie. Don't you just hate that?
Good sermon yesterday! And I agree, the communion time was really good. I had time to meet several people I had never met before, and talk to a few folks I normally just have time to say 'hi' to while running hither and yon.
Thanks Nino, B
Good sermon yesterday! And I agree, the communion time was really good. I had time to meet several people I had never met before, and talk to a few folks I normally just have time to say 'hi' to while running hither and yon.
Thanks Nino, B
I'm gonna have to go with Chris Farley. While I think he may have said something similar in his role as Matt Foley, I am guessing this is from a movie- perhaps Tommy Boy or Black Sheep.
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