Thursday, July 07, 2005

Guilt & Colorado Mountains

OK! It has been awhile...not that I care all that much, but wow...the guilt and peer pressure weigh in! A potential new friend slammed me on the lack of my blogging, which caused several others to chime in as well only to become a recurring joke of the night. So out of that guilt, I write.

Actually, I have something I can write about. Last week I got to join a great friend, Eric Fridge, and kids from his youth group on a trek in Colorado. I climbed my first "14-er" and camped where there were no public restrooms (check that, no public toilets!) We white water rafted on Monday then hiked on Tuesday through Thursday. I climbed Mount Missouri and while thrilling, very grueling! The feeling of accomplishment was amazing and the view of God's majesty was spectacular! The unofficial theme song for me all week as "Surround Us, Lord" and to see mountain range after mountain range was a great message from God to me. I have kept trying to force God into just being in my prayer time (or lack there of) or into my Bible reading (or lack there of) or in my worship of Him and God reminded me that while He is in those places, He is everywhere else as well. As the mountains surrounded me that day on the summit, so the Lord surrounds me! I know that seems elementary, but it was so profound on that day! Truly a refreshing and what a great group of guys I was with...amazing maturity and love for the Lord as well as the want for authentic relationships! Keep pressing on you mighty men!

On Tuesday night, our band rehearsal night getting ready for Sunday, I came empty handed. I had nothing planned...we talked and prayed (prayed for Kyle C.'s dad who had surgery today and it all went well!) and then we just worshiped. It was a great night letting God plan what's in store for this Sunday!

I enjoyed getting to spend time with Eric and then got to be with Val Durrington as well as Brad & Jennifer Crisp (she's Ali's sister and what great friends they are...they're the type I'd want to be around even if I wasn't related to's just great that I am!) Hooked up with Ali's folks and cousins and aunt and uncle as well! And then finally caught up with my buddy Ron Clyde! It has been a good week!

Blessings to you all!

Glad to have you back in the blogging world....I was at Southlake last Wed (Jun 29) and missed being able to say hello to you! Sounds like you had a great trip, though.
As your potential new friend, I'm glad to see that you cave in so easily to peer pressure. I'll have to remember that.
So, what chapter are you reading now in Blue Like Jazz?

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