Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The State of the Family

I recently wrote a 6 page "state of the family" letter for mine and Ali's family. I talked about church and all that is going on here and my feelings about it, home life, family, etc. It was a healthy experience for me. (If your in the family and reading this, I mailed it yesterday). But here is an edited excerpt from it:

It’s funny to think of SBC as not a church of Christ, however, we still are in so many ways. We feast on communion each week. (Although we are learning more and more about how communion is a love feast at the “table” not the “alter”. It’s not a funeral but a celebration!) Baptism is more significant now; I used to believe it to be a work that got me into heaven. If I didn’t do it, I would go to Hell. I understand it more as obedience to what Jesus asks me to do to identify myself with him. I’m still studying and struggling with the gift of the Holy Spirit and when that is given (at baptism or at the acceptance of Jesus). I suppose that last statement could freak my family members. I’m not advocating that a “sinner’s prayer” needs to be spoken and then Jesus is in your heart. But I don’t think it to be too far off. It is a confession! And I’ve asked my children, and will continue to ask them, if they believe that Jesus is the Son of God (they all respond yes, praise the Lord!) and if they will be willing to let him be Lord of their life. I don’t think they comprehend that last part so much…sometimes we use the terminology of “forever friend” but that cheapens it to me a little bit. Nonetheless, they know Him, pray to Him and I believe love Him. Some have questioned that my kids don’t know enough Bible. No offense to my parents or home congregations, but I think they know more than I did at their ages, respectively. And they are continuing to learn. They certainly can find a scripture if you give them a little time. [reading it and comprehending it is another thing] I’ll confess they don’t have a hunger for His Word…well, maybe my . But that confession comes more out of my mouth that I haven’t hungered for it. So they have not seen that in their spiritual leader. I continue to pray for a revived heart and passion.

Anyway, just a peek into me.

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